Florian Buguet

Elevate operations with Florian, COO at Whaly. Mastermind behind our all-in-one analytics platform, optimizing enterprises for success.
Has written 3 posts.
The role of the Head of Growth and how to set up a data-driven culture

The role of the Head of Growth and how to set up a data-driven culture

Different data champions arise from teams that are close to data and want to make it an everyday team sport. A couple of months ago, we met with Hugo, Head of Growth at Klox. He was asking a lot of very interesting questions like what data tools shou...

Why No-Code is the Future of Business Intelligence

Why No-Code is the Future of Business Intelligence

Business intelligence has been here for ages, becoming more and more advanced. Today most data folks learn to code to be proficient in their work. Generally a mix of Python and SQL to structure a set of data tools and make them work together 🙀. All ...

How to become data-driven? Disclaimer: it is not related to internal tooling

How to become data-driven? Disclaimer: it is not related to internal tooling

A lot of companies are wondering how to “become data-driven”? You often think that by buying some advanced platform you might reach this unmeasurable state. Unfortunately, you don’t become good at selling by buying Salesforce nor do you become fit ...