New Product Feature: Introducing Partner Portals

Introducing a new product feature on Whaly: Partner Portals. Create customized data experiences for your partners and share data externally.

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New Product Feature: Introducing Partner Portals

Whaly’s main use case is helping companies track their own business performance and operations data, to analyze and learn from it for decision-making. While internal analytics are vital and continue to be our "bread & butter," we recognize the power that data can have when shared with your external business stakeholders. That’s why we’re excited to introduce Partner Portals, the brand new capability to give your partners visibility into the data you want to share with them. Not only do these Portals allow you to easily share data externally, you can delight your partners by providing them with their own data experience.

Partner Portals provide a customized, branded experience for all your business partners, including customers, investors, and other stakeholders. With our Partner Portals, you can create a bespoke experience for each of your partners, tailored to their unique needs and preferences. This means you can offer a more personalized, intuitive experience that promotes engagement, trust, and dedication to the partnership.

So, what exactly can you do with Partner Portals? Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Customized Branding: With Partner Portals, you can customize the login page and homepage of each portal, ensuring that your brand is front and center at every touchpoint. This not only helps to promote brand recognition and awareness but also helps to build a sense of trust and familiarity among your partners.
  2. Dedicated User Management: Partner Portals come with a dedicated user management system that allows you to control what your partners can see and do. This means you can provide access to specific data and insights based on each partner's role and responsibilities, ensuring that everyone gets the information they need and should see - and nothing more.
  3. Enhanced Partner Experience: By providing a tailored experience for each of your partners, you can enhance their overall experience with your business. This can help to improve engagement, increase satisfaction, and drive loyalty over time.
  4. Streamlined Data Sharing: With Partner Portals, data sharing becomes a breeze. You can easily and securely share data with your partners, giving them the insights they need to make informed decisions. This can help to streamline your operations, improve collaboration, and  drive better results.

All in all, Partner Portals is an exciting new offering that brings a new world of possibilities to your partners, in a fully customized and personalized package. With Partner Portals, you can showcase your brand and maximize its impact throughout the partner journey. So, if you're looking to take your partnerships to the next level, be sure to check out this powerful new feature today!

👉 Check out our Partner Portals documentation here

👉 Start your 14-day free trial of Whaly here. If you already use Whaly, write us in the Whalers slack group to get this new feature!

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